Junior Ganymede
Servants to folly, creation, and the Lord JESUS CHRIST. We endeavor to give satisfaction

D&C Bits

May 06th, 2021 by G.

D&C Bits

37:1  “And let every man choose for himself until I come.”  More there than meets the eye.

38:11  “All flesh is rotten before me.”  We are so used to this metaphor we don’t even notice it anymore.  We automatically translate it as “all people are corrupt.”  But what does corrupt mean?  It also means rotten.  You should read this scripture as “everyone is rotting flesh.”  The world is your charnel house.

38:17-20  These scriptures are promising land for a family inheritance, meaning for the children to grow up and farm, and the grandchildren, and on and on.  We don’t have or understand this mindset any more.  We live like nomads but without the willingness to get up and leave.  We are fettered by temporary things.  No generational ambition any more.

38:28  “but if ye are prepared ye shall not fear.”  “Ye” is plural.  We have to be prepared as a people.  If its just you who is prepared, you should fear.    We badly underestimate the degree to which the scriptures are collective, not individual.  Nephi says ‘liken the scriptures unto us’ and we mentall convert it to ‘liken the scriptures unto me.’


38:39 Interesting balance in the phrase about being the richest and about having the riches of eternity


Comments (4)
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May 06th, 2021 06:39:56

May 7, 2021

“We badly underestimate the degree to which the scriptures are collective, not individual.”

False. God created us as individuals and will judge us as individuals.

May 7, 2021

@ Steve,
Salvation is individual, but exaltation is collective. We will certainly be judged individually for our own sins, but we will also be judged for how we served, or failed to serve, those around us. Is that not part of the parable of the sheep and the goats? Christ is concerned with the individual – intimately and infinitely – but He has greater plans for us than simple salvation. Zion societies are those in which righteous individuals unite in a common purpose: exaltation for all who dwell in Zion, past, present, and future.

May 9, 2021

God created us as individuals and will judge us as individuals.
God created us as families and will judge us as families.
God created us as nations and will judge us as nations.
God created us as races and will judge us as races.
God created us as humanity and will judge us as humanity.

May 9, 2021

I can’t help but think of Captain Moroni. If he had prepared as simply an individual or as a family, he could almost certainly have saved his family from being killed. He was clever enough to figure that out. But by preparing the people, he was able to preserve their lives and liberties. Not to mention nurturing their faith and faithfulness. An individual can’t build the kind of earthworks that Moroni’s Nephites built to protect themselves.

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